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Series UZ
Series UZ
Usually used in viticulture, the UZ series over-row system promises extremely shortened operating hours in crop protection treatment.
This over-row system can be used for crops with a row width of 1.80 m to 3.00 m and the air support is a radial turbine with a gearbox, which guides the produced air through its own channels to 4 outlet groups (2 per side).
Each outlet group is equipped with a spring-loaded protection to avoid damage caused by narrow plantations and furthermore it has up to 7 adjustable air outlets, which promise a uniform and targeted air distribution.
The hot-dip galvanized centrifugal blower is equipped with a powerful turbine, which generates air for the distribution pipes via the rear intake. Each distribution pipe is equipped with a spring-loaded protection to avoid damage caused by narrow vineyards.
Die für die Luftunterstützung zuständigen Verteilerkanäle sind hydraulisch vom Fahrersitz breiten- und höhenverstellbar sowie für Straßenfahrten über den Behälter einklappbar. Die Luftaustrittsöffnungen sind individuell einstellbar und garantieren einen gleichmäßigen Luftstrom und somit eine optimale Applikationsrate des Pflanzenschutzmittels.
The distribution pipes (responsible for the air support) can be hydraulically adjusted in width and height from the driver's seat and can be folded over the tank for traffic moving. The air outlets are individually adjustable and guarantee a uniform air flow and thus an optimum application rate of the crop protection agent.
Die Baureihe UZ ist stets mit einer Einzelachse sowie mit einer Tandem-Pendel-Achse verfügbar. Während die Einzelachse eine hohe Wendigkeit verspricht, glänzt die Tandemachse mit einer stabilen Fahrweise auch bei unebenen Untergrund.
The UZ series is always available with a single axle as well as with a tandem pendulum axle. While the single axle promises high maneuverability, the tandem axle shines with a stable ride even on uneven ground.
The standard two-head nozzle holders are always made of brass and can be equipped with conventional hollow cone nozzles as well as with air injection nozzles. The nozzles are protected as standard by a stainless steel cover against damage caused by narrow vineyards.
Models of the UZ-series

UZ Tandem

UZ Mono